Friday, May 22, 2015

10 teens from Montreal stopped from joining ISIS

Yesterday, 10 teens from Montreal got caught at the airport. They wanted to leave Canada in order to join ISIS.

I understand that their families and friends would have been worried and sad, but it was their choice.

They are not little children.
Our society sees them fit for driving at their age.Some would even want them to vote at this age.

I don't know if all of them were born in Quebec, but the question our politicians should ask is: What makes them hate us and love our enemies?

Simple. Being born in Canada to immigrant parents doesn't make one Canadian.

The call of the blood is stronger.

These teens identify with ISIS.

As for the non-Muslims who convert and join, we should consider their background. In general, they come from divorced or dysfunctional families.

They grow up with a bitter taste in their mouths, perhaps jealous and resentful.

This bitterness becomes a powerful engine in their desire of rejecting anything that is related to order, civilization and normal lifestyle.

Unable to pursue an exciting career, they perceive ISIS as a glamorous organization that will offer them the opportunity of acting "cool": weapons, a uniform, a black flag and, moreover, a sense of unity and belonging.

Multicultural societies cannot offer a sense of belonging as they are made up of fragmented groups which normally are not passionate about mixing.

The exceptions are solely enforcing the rule.

Self-segregation is a visible feature of any multicultural society.
Language, ethnicity and race are the factors that create micro-societies within a mainstream society.

It is very disturbing to see that teens born in Canada are willing to embrace such a savage organization instead of going to school, learning a trade and having a career or a profession.

But imagine how these teens feel: born in Canada, they actually live in a parallel world: their parents speak another language, pray perhaps 5 times a day, never eat pork and never drink alcohol.
Their mothers and perhaps fathers wear Islamic clothing, cook ethnic food and their satellite dish is oriented towards the Middle East.

In some homes there is probably more than one wife brought to Canada pretending they are relatives.
They have children and these Canadian children grow up with this secret: they come from a polygamist family, hiding the truth and never calling each other "sister, brother", but perhaps simply... cousin.

Their family gatherings transport them into another world. They grow up like that.

The fact that they go to school in Canada has no relevance. Their school friends are, in  general, Muslims.

Canada is not what they grow up in and Canada means nothing to them.

I think that our politicians should really discuss this topic with honesty, instead of repeating overused expressions of surprise and shock.

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