Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19: Watched Interstellar

Directed by Christopher Nolan, the movie is really emotional, well kept under control.
The subject is bleak: the Earth becomes inhabitable, the only solution to humans' survival being the colonization of another planet.

It is a gloomy movie which, in spite of a quasi-happy-end, leaves the viewer with a deep sense of grieving.

Living in an artificial world, recreating houses and interiors from planet Earth only emphasizes the falseness of this world.

Of course, it is fake to those who have lived on planet Earth, but home to the humans, born on a NASA spaceship.

If, one day, humans are able to colonize a planet, it will only recreate the ugliness of human interaction that exists on our planet.

It will be a society divided by religion, if religion will be allowed.

If religion will be left behind, there will be a chance to create something interesting.

Or not?

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