Saturday, March 28, 2015

March 28: PEGIDA Quebec rally cancelled

The anti-PEGIDA protesters were numerous and very well organized.
They had banners, signs and red roses.
They deserve to be congratulated.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26: Daffodils in the evening

My husband surprised me with these sweet daffodils yesterday. He does that sometimes and it's so great as it's unexpected!

What can be more beautiful than having daffodils in a green vase?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25: I would really like

Yup: to live in a warmer place, with longer summers.
I am imagining spending our evenings on the porch, having supper while a gentle breeze is chatting with the trees.

Something like this:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24: Airbus A320 crashes in Europe

A Germanwings plane carrying 150 people has crashed in the French Alps on its way from Barcelona to Duesseldorf.The Airbus A320 - flight 4U 9525 - went down between Digne and Barcelonnette. There are no survivors, officials say.

I took a video of a plane in the sky as a memento.
My thoughts go out to all those who lost family and friends.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 21: Flip-flops in the city

I had a chat with my parents and we talked about how people dress nowadays.
Wearing flip-flops anywhere else but the beach used to be not only unheard of, but also an absurdity.

Our streets look sloppy.

When we scan the population, we can notice people wearing items that project a low-look.

In the old days, people used to go out in the evening, for a walk.
And they would wear elegant attire.

Today, people leave their homes wearing whatever they grab first.
Snowy day. 1C, feel like -3C.
For tonight, it's  -14C, feels like -23C.
For tomorrow morning, -15C, feels like -25C.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 19: Watched Interstellar

Directed by Christopher Nolan, the movie is really emotional, well kept under control.
The subject is bleak: the Earth becomes inhabitable, the only solution to humans' survival being the colonization of another planet.

It is a gloomy movie which, in spite of a quasi-happy-end, leaves the viewer with a deep sense of grieving.

Living in an artificial world, recreating houses and interiors from planet Earth only emphasizes the falseness of this world.

Of course, it is fake to those who have lived on planet Earth, but home to the humans, born on a NASA spaceship.

If, one day, humans are able to colonize a planet, it will only recreate the ugliness of human interaction that exists on our planet.

It will be a society divided by religion, if religion will be allowed.

If religion will be left behind, there will be a chance to create something interesting.

Or not?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 18: Losers attack Bardo Museum in Tunis, 22 dead

This is a clear attack on a Muslim country that rejects backward views and is on the right path towards building a stable and safe society.

Those who are behind this despicable act feel obviously threatened by a country that is not affiliated to backward Islam.

Attacking a museum is symbolic.
Backward Muslims have destroyed ancient irreplaceable artifacts, proof of their inability to live later than the 7th century.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Idiotic title: "Seven ways to survive March break"

Is it really a matter of "surviving"?!
Some "journalists" think that they are "cool" if they use such titles.
Is it that dangerous to see children "roaming the streets"?!

After a clumsy introduction,  comes up with some conventional tips on how to "survive" this... dreadful time of the year.

She gets paid for this?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11: Dry streets

It was a sunny day.
I'm getting tired of politics.
Regarding our next elections...
I'll write my name above the candidates' names and I'll vote for myself.

Everyone should do the same.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10: Spring feel

Most of the snow on the sidewalks is gone, but there are ugly banks of dirty snow pretty much everywhere.
Today I read about China and its audacity.
Asking Canada to reconsider hearing a HK dissident's speech in the HoC is simply unpardonable.
Other news?
University of Oklahoma expells the two students who chanted something against blacks.
Overall, a good day for me.
Ared went great: 1st try.
Felt like tuna salad today.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Sick people: Mother tells of giving birth to gay son's baby

Mother tells of giving birth to gay son's baby after surrogate pregnancy

Anne-Marie Casson has spoken publicly of how she became a surrogate and gave birth to her gay son Kyle's baby

How sick is this?
What will that poor baby think?
The "mother" is the grandmother?

These experiments with children must stop.

Sperm banks must be banned, unless used by the donour for personal reasons.

Using sperm from banks makes room for incest.

This deranged society needs to be shaken up.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 8: International Women's Day

Sylvia Pankhurst
Not cold today ( -2 C, feels like -7 C). Cloudy though and snow...

Today the worlds is celebrating the International Women's Day.
It is a socialist celebration as it was basically created by the Socialist Party of America in 1908.
Funny, March 8 has no special significance at all as it is not related to any special event whatsoever.

In 1914, there was an event that took place on March 8 in London related to a march in support of women's suffrage: communist Sylvia Pankhurst was arrested, but this is not recorded as a reason for celebrating this day n March 8.
She hated capitalism, had a son at the age of 45, never took her husband's name and eventually moved to Ethiopia where she died in 1960.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

March 7: Decluttering

-8C, it feels like -13C.
My baba-day out of 9. Not a bad day for a March day!
Began decluttering the storage boxes.
Never understatood the amount of trifles we gather over the years.
Every time I look at those magazine photos of impeccable interiors, I am amazed.
Could that be done?

Friday, March 6, 2015

March 6: About some events

Very sunny day today, not cold (-8 C, it feels like -14 C), blue skies.
Sharp sunlight, strong contrasts.

I can't wait to get some warmer weather and go out to take some photos.

The road and parts of the sidewalks are dry, so it's would't be that unpleasant to go out.
I just don't feel like taking photos with frozen hands.

Let's see some facts related to March 6:

I consider the periodic table and Bayer registering the aspirin as trademark the most important of all six.

Cassius Clay would have survived very well without his Islamic nickname, Ghana would have gained independence sooner or later, the Serbian kingdom would eventually collapse while, in the devastating storm, only 40 people died.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4: Dusk

March 4: 1977 Vrancea earthquake-Romania

Important people were born

1678- Antonio Vivaldi
1934- Jane Goodall

1977 Vrancea earthquake-Romania

A devastating earthquake that took the lives of 1,578 people.
Bucharest was hardly damaged.
It was one of the worst earthquake disasters around the world in the 70s.

It had a magnitude of 7.2 . It occurred on Friday, at 21:20.

Numerous artists and writers died in the earthquake.

March 4 : Sunny day and slush

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3: Today, I talked about elephants and dolphins

Today, I talked about elephants and dolphins.

I remember an image of a bleeding elephant, dead, after his tusks had been removed.

And then, I saw an image of a baby elephant in womb and I felt like crying. It was so beautiful.

They come into this world and humans are hunting them down for their tusks, to make stupid objects sold as souvenirs.

Boycott ivory.

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2 Dusk

Olivia Hussey & Leonard Whiting interview (1968)

At the time of this interview, Olivia Hussey was a teen and she was smoking during the interview.
I miss those times when things were more relaxed and people less constipated or politically correct I should say.

The host has a normal tone when asking about her smoking and she has an equally normal attitude and tone when answering.

Today, teenagers are socially accepted to get pregnant and have children, but smoking is a big no.

Where is the sanity in all this?

March 2: Snow squall

Spectacular snow squall  about one hour ago. Sunny now.

March 2: Street scenery

It's a sunny day today, with only -4 C (feels like -11).
There was a beautiful light this morning.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Snowdrops are more than delicate, white flowers.
They mean spring and life.

I saw a photo featuring a cluster of snowdrops on Flickr and I envy those who have snowdrops in February. I couldn't post that photo, so I found another one.
In this one, one can see the true story of this flower; piercing the snow and the ice but still quiet.

Here, there's a lot of snow, not even white and crisp, but dirty as the cars have gone through.
There's no beauty left, just banks of ugly, filthy snow.

Pigeon frame

For those who are not very comfortable with today's technology, the Pigeon frame seems to be a great solution.

Does anyone have this? If it's that simple, all grandparents should have one!